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Mauritius is today globally recognized as an established location for global services delivery thanks to its quality, multilingual workforce, flexible business environment, diversity in connections and sustainable financial attractiveness. The country has over the years successfully demonstrated the flexibility and multicultural understanding to be a global strategic location, bridging the gap between Europe and Africa.

The ICT/BPO industry, which is more than a decade old, has exhibited rapid evolution in terms of geographical expansion, new client acquisition and adoption of innovative models to offer a considerably wider spectrum of services. Today, the sector which comprises of some 950 companies, employs more than 33,000 people. It is considered as a major pillar of the economy with a GDP contribution of 5.7% in 2023. Multinational companies and organizations benefit from leveraging on the country not only as a hub for their global services delivery but also as an ideal location to access Africa, Asia and Europe.

The country is now moving towards the development of newer technologies such as Fintech, blockchain, cybersecurity, AI and IOT amongst others by giving players in these areas the opportunity to experiment with new business models.

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    • Why locate your ICT activities in Mauritius?
      • Access to one of the most innovative talent pools
      • Government dedication for Mauritius to be among the world’s leading ICT nations
      • Impressive track record of ICT activities and processes
      • Excellent collaborative business environment
      • Enabling legal framework
      • Competitive cost/quality proposition
      • Reliable and redundant international connectivity with 3 international submarine networks namely: South Africa Far East (SAFE), Lower Indian Ocean Network (LION)/LION2 and METISS. Connectivity to Rodrigues island is also being ensured through MARS submarine cable (connects Rodrigues to the rest of the world
    • Did you know that?
      • Mauritius offers a cost savings of around 60 -70% on operating costs for outsourcing activities
      • Mauritius hosts 4 of the world’s leading ICT / BPO companies
      • Mauritius is 1st country in Africa with 100% fiber coverage
      • Mauritius is a pioneer in the mobile telephony sphere by having the first operator in this segment in the Southern Hemisphere in 1989
    • Mauritius Rankings
      • Government AI Readiness 2023: Mauritius is the regional leader in Sub-Saharan Africa and 61th globally.
      • Global Innovation Index 2023 – Mauritius is the regional leader in Sub-Saharan Africa and 45th in the world.
      • Kearney Global Services Location Index (2023) – Mauritius is 27th globally and among the top 25 nations and 1st in Africa in the ‘digital resonance’ ranking
      • Global Index of Good Governance 2023 – Mauritius is 38th globally and the regional leader in Africa
      • UNCTAD B2C Ecommerce Index 2020 – Mauritius is 1st in Africa and 69th Globally
    • Investment opportunities in the sector

      The ICT sector offers several opportunities of investment in high-end, value-added services with a global reach, leveraging the availability of skilled labour, the strong Telecommunication infrastructure and the outstanding living and working conditions.

      Below are some key business opportunities:

      • BPO: Inbound and Outbound call, helpdesk, technical support, advisory
      • IT services: Data centres, Disaster Recovery, Cloud Services, Consultancy and Training
      • Digital Content: Digital Production, E-learning and Online Training system, Animation, mobile games
      • ITO: Software development, mobile applications development, web design and development, Infrastructure management, Application maintenance, 3D design and Modelling, IOT
      • KPO: Creative Process Outsourcing, High End Technical Support, Translation and Legal Processing, Quality and Functional Shared Services
      • Emerging technologies: E-Commerce/E-retail, Electronic Payment, Blockchain, AI, Cybersecurity & Cloud Computing, Digital Health Technologies, Online Education (Edtech) among others

      The digital transformation of the Mauritian economy was recently accelerated by the COVID pandemic and is reshaping existing segments while propelling creation of new ones. This, together with the recent deployment of 5G and forthcoming 4th optical cable, offers a noteworthy occasion for companies to explore the array of opportunities that have arisen in this context.

    • Innovator’s Occupation Permit

      The innovator OP which is a combined work and live permit for foreigners was launched to allow innovative businesses to set up a business in Mauritius which will spur productivity and economic competitiveness under the following 2 possibilities: (i) submission of an innovative project to the Economic Development Board (EDB) which will be assessed on its own merit or (ii) no investment but incubated by a MRIC registered/accredited incubator -under the National SME Incubator Scheme (NSIS).

    • National SME Incubator Scheme (NSIS)

      The NSIS encourages the creation of innovative businesses for the socioeconomic benefit of Mauritius through a nurturing and training process in a conducive environment provided by accredited incubators driven by the private sector. The accredited incubators select, coach and mentor innovative business start-ups as early as the idea stage. The NSIS will fund (on a 50:50 matching grant basis) accredited private sector incubators at different incubation phases through accredited incubators funded by the NSIS. These phases are as follows: Pre-Incubation phase, Incubation Phase and Acceleration Phase.

    • Regulatory Sandbox Licence

      The Regulatory Sandbox Licence has allowed a shift in the regulatory mindset, from one based on bureaucracy, friction, and permission to one based on accountability, transparency, and innovation. The Mauritian Regulatory Sandbox License offers the possibility for an investor to conduct a business activity for which there exists no legal framework, or adequate provisions under existing legislation in Mauritius. The EDB works in close collaboration with regulators to provide the adequate framework for these activities.

    • Innovation Property Box Scheme- 8 years Tax holiday

      Under the Innovation Property Box Scheme, a company set up on or after 1 July 2017 and involved in innovation-driven activities for intellectual property assets which are developed in Mauritius can benefit from an exemption of 8 income years as from the income year in which the company started its innovation-driven activities.

    • E-Commerce Scheme – 5 years tax holiday

      Mauritius allows e-Commerce operators to conduct commercial transactions through electronic networks including the provision of information, promotion, marketing, supply, order or delivery of goods or services. A company can consider domiciliating its electronic platforms and related ancillary activities in Mauritius and take advantage of the 5 years tax holiday under the e-Commerce scheme. The scheme provides e-Commerce operators with the comfort of a favourable business regime, whilst positioning the Mauritius jurisdiction as the ideal platform for internet entrepreneurship.

    • Research and Development

      Mauritius has introduced additional new fiscal regime for Research and Development allowing innovative companies to use Mauritius as a platform to start their operations. This includes:

        • Accelerated depreciation of 50% in respect of capital expenditure incurred on R&D, that is the investment cost is fully amortized in 2 years.
        • A double deduction in respect of qualifying expenditure on R&D directly related to the entity’s trade or business and provided the R&D is carried out in Mauritius.

      Qualifying expenditure includes:

      • Expenditure incurred on innovation, improvement on development of a process, product or service;
      • Staff costs, consumable items, computer software directly used in R&D and subcontracted R&D.
    • Innovation and Commercialisation Scheme

      The Mauritius Research Innovation Council also offers numerous Innovation and Commercialization Schemes with the aim to boost creativity, innovation and research in Mauritius. The funding ranging from Rs 1M to Rs 10M.

    • Technology and Innovation Scheme (TINNS)

      Grant of upto a maximum of Rs 150,000 to companies wishing to continuously invest in Technology and automated production capabilities and create technology based integrated and sustainable systems.

    • Participation in International Fairs SME Refund Scheme

      The SME Refund Scheme caters for a maximum refund of Rs 200,000 annually on the cost of participation, airfare and accommodation with respect to participation in International Fairs.

    • Investment Certificate

      Set of incentives under the Investment Certificate, issued by the Economic Development Board (EDB) to enterprises in eligible new, innovative, and strategic sectors.

    • Premium Investor Certificate

      New incentive allowing companies investing at least Rs 500 million and involved in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals and medical devices to benefit from bespoke incentives.

      The following ICT company has been issued with a Premium Investor Certificate:

      • Emtel Technopolis Ltd – Development of an integrated technology park at Union Vale

Incentives & Schemes

Through a panoply of schemes and unique incentives offered, EDB Mauritius supports the expansion and growth of business operations as a way to enhance substantive and value-added economic activities in Mauritius.

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Digital Bonsaï

Digital Bonsai( is a Mauritian company which capitalises on an innovative business model. They think of #digital and #education as levers of a lasting #growth. They have decided to create three activities the Bonsaï Factory ; the Bonsaï Academy and the Bonsaï Lab.

Mr Victor Bohbot, Chief Executive Officer

You're in good company

Setting up in Mauritius means joining a long list of world-class businesses that have chosen our country as their regional base of operations. These exceptional businesses include:

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