Inaugural Hacktiv8 Cybersecurity Hacking Challenge launched by Innov8, the Bank of Mauritius Innovation Hub
28 Fév 2025
Maurice accueille les investissements et encourage les affaires. Reconnue mondialement comme un environnement sûr, stable et propice aux activités commerciales, Maurice est un excellent endroit pour investir, travailler, vivre et prendre sa retraite, avec des infrastructures tournées vers l'avenir, une connectivité mondiale et des talents de classe internationale.
Investissez dans un projet d'au moins 500 millions de roupies et bénéficiez d'incitations, de remises, d'exonérations et de taux préférentiels.
Tirer parti de notre accès préférentiel sans précédent au marché à 68 % de la population mondiale et bénéficier d’une panoplie d’accords de libre-échange.
Maurice, la plateforme idéale pour les affaires et l'investissement en Afrique
Le programme de résidence de Maurice permet aux ressortissants étrangers d'effectuer un investissement immobilier dans le pays et de demander un permis de résidence pour vivre, travailler et prendre leur retraite à Maurice.
Vivez et travaillez à distance depuis Maurice et profitez d'un long séjour ou prenez votre retraite dans un paradis tropical idyllique.
Tirer parti de notre accès préférentiel sans précédent au marché à 68 % de la population mondiale et bénéficier d’une panoplie d’accords de libre-échange.
Maurice, la plateforme idéale pour les affaires et l'investissement en Afrique
Residency in Mauritius
With its warmth, secure and tropical climate, Mauritius is the place to live. If you want to work, retire, invest, or just relax, Mauritius is the place to be. Choosing to live in Mauritius will give access to multiple benefits including tax regimes, political and social stability, multiculturalism, extensive air access and many others.
Mauritius has always been a welcome home for professionals and foreign skills and talents. From dynamic sectors like technology and innovation, information and communication, healthcare, and tourism to finance, trade, real estate, Mauritius offers opportunities to expatriates to explore the Mauritian job market.
In line with its growing development, Mauritius opens its doors for job market to foreign students who have studied in a tertiary education institution in the country. They are eligible for a maximum 3-year Occupation Permit, depending on the duration of the contract of employment..
Mauritius, one of the most beautiful islands in the world, has introduced a Premium Travel Visa, valid for a period of one year, renewable, to welcome esteemed travellers seeking to prolong their feeling of wellness arising from the gorgeous turquoise blue sea with silky sand beaches, tropical lagoons, the lush greens, the warmth and friendliness of locals, all in a COVID-safe destination.Employed in Mauritius by a Multinational or a local companyYoung Professional Occupation Permit (YPOP)
The government of Mauritius strongly believes that our dispersed Mauritian Diaspora community is a precious asset to our economy. In the aim to attract them to participate in the economic development of the country, the government introduced the Mauritian Diaspora scheme which offers a range of incentives.
With its warmth, secure and tropical climate, Mauritius is the place to live. If you want to work, retire, invest or just relax, Mauritius is the place to be. Choosing to live in Mauritius will give access to multiple benefits including tax regimes, political and social stability, multiculturalism, extensive air access and many others.
Mauritius welcomes esteemed travelers/foreigners seeking to prolong their feeling of wellness arising from the gorgeous turquoise blue sea with silky sand beaches, tropical lagoons, the lush greens, the warmth, and the friendliness locals.
The Family Occupation Permit is established under section 14 of the Immigration Act 2022 and section 13(1)(b) of the Economic Development Board Act 2017. Under a Family Occupation Permit, an applicant, his/her spouse, dependent child, parent, other dependent or such other person working exclusively for the family unit may on application, become a resident of Mauritius for a period of 10 years.
Known as the Permanent Residence Permit (PRP), this programme is for expatriates seeking to work and live freely in Mauritius and make it their second home.
Mauritius, one of the most beautiful islands in the world, has introduced a Premium Travel Visa, valid for a period of one year, renewable, to welcome esteemed travellers seeking to prolong their feeling of wellness arising from the gorgeous turquoise blue sea with silky sand beaches, tropical lagoons, the lush greens, the warmth and friendliness of locals, all in a COVID-safe destination.