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Get full information to start your business journey in Mauritius. We are here to make your life easier – starting from day-one.

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The Economic Development Board is the apex investment promotion agency of Mauritius. We are mandated to help you find the best solutions to set up, expand and succeed in Mauritius.

Our support services are customised, free of charge and confidential, so please feel free to get in touch with us!

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Specify your needs by selecting from the list below :

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Describe the nature of your project and assistance you would like to request. The more information we have, the better the response we can give you.

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Entrepreneurs usually face the challenge of developing a business idea in a way that it becomes economically viable. There is, hence, the need to develop the right value proposition while defining a relevant strategy to have a baseline to achieve set objectives. There exists a panoply of facilities to support burgeoning entrepreneurs to implement their business ideas in the most effective and profitable possible way.

Follow the links below to help you in setting up your business.

Choose your business structure

The following non-exhaustive list of structures available in Mauritius:

  • Company Limited by Shares/ Guarantee or both
  • Limited Life Company
  • Foreign Company
  • Foundations
  • Trust
  • Global Business Company
  • Business by an individual

More information about the different business structures is available on the website of the Corporate and Business Registration Department (CBRD).

Choose your business name

The CBRD offers the possibility to check the availability of company names online and prior reservation of names is not mandatory.

Register your business/ incorporate your company/ pay your trade fees

The Corporate and Business Registration Department (CBRD) is a one-stop-shop for starting a business.

The application process requires a registration online.

Applicants are required to fill in the required information and upload relevant documents as per published guidelines.  Incorporation/ Registration is completed within half a day. An electronic business registration card and/or an e-certificate of Incorporation is issued once the process is completed.

Once registered, you can start your business in Mauritius.

Opening your corporate bank account

Opening a business bank account in Mauritius is easy with 3 simple steps :

  • Select your preferred bank
  • Apply for the business bank account
  • Finalize the account process

The list of registered commercial and corporate banks operating in Mauritius is available on the website of the Banque de Maurice.

The following documents are generally required by banks to open a business bank account:

    • E-Certificate of Incorporation
    • Electronic Business Registration Card
    • Certified copy of the company’s board minutes authorising the opening of the account(s)
    • Latest annual return applicable for companies being incorporated at least 18 months of operations
    • Business plan mentioning source of funds.

Note : Additional documents may be requested by banks on a case-by case basis.


Entrepreneurs usually face the challenge of developing a business idea in a way that it becomes economically viable. There is, hence, the need to develop the right value proposition while defining a relevant strategy to have a baseline to achieve set objectives. There exists a panoply of facilities to support burgeoning entrepreneurs to implement their business ideas in the most effective and profitable possible way.

Follow the links below to help you in setting up your business.

Leasing an office space

Mauritius offers several options for office and industrial space that investors may lease. Several state-owned business and industrial parks with modern and state of the art infrastructure are available in Mauritius.

  • Accessible and connected
  • Appropriate infrastructure
  • Planned environment which stimulates creativity and productivity

A non-citizen should apply in that respect to the Economic Development Board if the lease period exceeds 20 years.

List of state-owned business / industrial parks (Landscope Mauritius, DBM)
Ligne directrice for leasing a business / industrial space
Application form for the lease of immovable property

Acquiring and registering an immovable property

Moreover, an investor may also acquire an immovable property in Mauritius to be used for business purposes.

Guidelines for the acquisition of property
Application form for the acquisition of immovable property

Mauritius has a deed system whereby the notary has the legal obligation to draft the property deed and to ensure that the property is free from any encumbrances. The buyer is free to choose the notary of his/her choice. The following taxes and duties are applicable:

Registration Duty Payable by purchaser5% of the transaction value
Land Transfer Tax Payable by vendor5% of the transaction value
Notary feesScalable up to a maximum of 2% of the transaction value
Starting a construction

An investor also has the option to construct its building.

A Building and Land Use Permit (BLUP) from the relevant Local Authority is required to start a construction.  Application for a BLUP is made on the NELS and the permit is issued within 14 working days.


  • Where a plot of land is classified as agricultural land and is to be used for non-agricultural purposes, an application for a Land conversion permit should be made to the Ministry of Agro Industry and Food Security via the NELS
  • A Morcellement Permit is required from the Ministry of Housing and Lands for the division of a plot of land into two or more lots. Application for the permit is made via the NELS
  • For some specific projects, an Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) or a Preliminary Environmental Report (PER) is required from the Ministry of Social Security, National Solidarity and Environment and Sustainable Development via the NELS

Guidelines to apply for a BLUP

Employers can recruit both local talents and foreign nationals to work in Mauritius. Employers can post an advertisement in local press or specialised website or use the expertise of recruitment agencies.  

Recruitment and training useful information

Recruitment agencies

Employers may choose to outsource their recruitment needs to a recruitment agency. Some of the licenced recruitment agencies can recruit talents both locally and overseas.

List of licensed recruitment agencies 

Advertisement of posts in specialized websites or newspapers

  • Running adverts in local newspapers and specialized websites is a popular way of attracting potential employees.
  • Employers can also post job adverts on job.mu, a specialised website jointly managed by the Ministry of Labour, Industrial Relations and Training.
Recruit foreign nationals

Employers should ensure that the foreign nationals have valid Occupation Permit or Work Permit to work and live in Mauritius

Mauritius is home to a modern framework on industrial property: the Industrial Property Act 2019 (IPA).

The IPA facilitates registration of a wide range of industrial property rights and is based on international best standards and practices, with enabling provisions to ensure compliance with the Patent Cooperation Treaty, the Hague Agreement and the Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement.

Registration & Protection for:

  • Patents, Marks & Trade names
  • Utility models
  • Industrial & Lay-out designs
  • Geographical indications              

Legal framework administered by the Industrial Property Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration and International Trade

More information is available at the Industrial Property Office of Mauritius (IPOM)

Tax payment

Mauritius has thrived to keep corporate income tax rates at a reasonable level and has introduced various tax incentives to attract and keep global investments. The effective tax rate is among the lowest in the world and the general “business friendliness” of Mauritius has contributed to the economic growth of the country.

Taxes, administered by Mauritius Revenue Authority (MRA), are all on a self-assessment system. The MRA provides a single point of entry for simple and convenient filing of tax returns.

  • Corporate income tax
  • VAT
  • Social Security charges
  • Personal Income Tax
  • Other taxes

It allows individual and businesses to file tax returns electronically and the taxpayer may effect electronic payment through Direct Debit or online credit card.

The tax guide

Payment of trade fees

Trade fees are paid to the Corporate and Business Registration Department through its online platform. Trade fees are payable within 2 financial years after registration/ incorporation.

Trade fees shall be paid either in one instalment on or before 20 January or in 2 instalments, the first one on or before 20 January and the second one before 30 June. The Local Government Act 2011 also provides that arrears should be paid first before being able to pay the trade fees for the current period and a surcharge of 50% of the amount of the trade fees shall be levied in case of non-payment of the relevant trade fees.

Note: An operator is exempted from payment of trade fees for a classified trade if the trade fee does not exceed MUR 5,000. Activities regulated and under the Gambling Regulatory Authority Act, Excise Act as well as any person holding a certificate, licence and permit issued by the Tourism Authority and Global Business Companies not having a physical office in Mauritius are exempted from payment of trade fees

List of trade fees and guidelines

Payment of yearly registration fees

All businesses registered with the CBRD should pay a yearly  registration fee. 

Payment of registration fees for companies, “sociétés”, limited partnerships and foundations must be effected yearly as from 3 January to 20 January inclusively. After the 20 January, a higher rate is applicable.  Online payment facilities are available on the  CBRIS platform.

The National Single Window (NSW)/TradeLink is a dedicated online platform which enables submission of applications for import/export licenses and permits and allows clearances to be received from government agencies. Also, import, export and transit declarations can be made available to Customs as a single submission. Besides, traders have the possibility to track the progress of their applications/declarations in real time.

A registration with the Mauritius Network Services Ltd (MNS) is a prerequisite to become a user of TradeLink.

List of controlled goods for import and export

Court litigation

Mauritius has a hybrid legal system based on civil and common law practices, with the Supreme Court of Mauritius as the highest judicial authority to hear criminal and civil proceedings.

For commercial dispute resolution, investors may have recourse to the Commercial Division of the Supreme Court. This division facilitates expeditious settlement of large commercial disputes related to corporate, banking, insolvency and intellectual property matters

A Small claims under the District Court have also been established to settle small claims expeditiously. In general, this option is cheaper, less formal, faster, and has less complicated rules and procedures than higher courts.

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

Litigation in the court is not the only option as investors may have access to ADR mechanisms:

  • Mediation – Mediation can be held through the Mediation division of the Supreme Court and allows early disposal of suits through a common agreement between parties.
  • Arbitration – This mechanism allows parties to settle large commercial disputes under the authority of a private and independent arbitrator whose decision is binding. The current legal framework provides for:
    • Domestic Arbitration, regulated by the Code of Civil Procedure
    • International Arbitration, under the International Arbitration Act 2008, based on the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration.
Arbitration Facilities in Mauritius
  • Mauritius International Arbitration Centre (MIAC) – An independent arbitration centre
  • Mediation and Arbitration Centre (MARC) – An alternative dispute resolution arm of the Mauritius Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MCCI)
  • Permanent Court of Arbitration at La Hague (PCA) – A permanent branch of the PCA in Mauritius.
Key advantages of using ADR mechanisms in Mauritius
  • Practical resolution of commercial disputes ensuring confidentiality and timely determination of issues
  • Access to specialized lawyers and professionals in commercial dispute resolution
  • Tax incentives on expenditure incurred for arbitration, conciliation, or mediation under an ADR Mechanism


Entrepreneurs usually face the challenge of developing a business idea in a way that it becomes economically viable. There is, hence, the need to develop the right value proposition while defining a relevant strategy to have a baseline to achieve set objectives. There exists a panoply of facilities to support burgeoning entrepreneurs to implement their business ideas in the most effective and profitable possible way.

Follow the links below to help you in setting up your business.

Financing Mechanism

SME Financing by Commercial Banks

Commercial banks which are key players in the financial systems of nearly every economy, have the potential to pull financial resources together to meet the credit needs of SMEs. Through their intermediation role commercial banks are meant to provide financial succor to SMEs in Mauritius. More information is available on their respective website:

1. ABC Banking Corporation Ltd
2. AfrAsia Bank Limited
3. Bank of Baroda
4. Bank One Limited
5. BCP Bank (Mauritius)
6. Absa

7. MauBank Ltd
8. SBI (Mauritius) Ltd
9. SBM Bank (Mauritius) Ltd
10. The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited
11. The Mauritius Commercial Bank Limited

Up to a maximum of MUR 1M, without guarantee.EligibilitySMES with a turnover of up to Rs50M and which have paid CSG in respect of their employees:
  • Planters, Fishermen, Women Entrepreneurs
  • Fitness Centre (Gymnasium/Sports complex)
  • Food court/Bar and Restaurant
  • Cinema
  • Casinos and Night Club
  • Salle de Reception and Multipurpose Hall
  • Market Fair
  • Beach Hawker and
  • Any other sector of activity as may be recommended by EDB.
Up to a maximum of MUR 5M (may be increased up to MUR 10M on a case to case basis).
  • Maximum of 7 years (Incl. 2 years moratorium) for repayment period
  • Purpose : Renovation of premises, purchase of equipment & working capital
  • Eligible for operators in the Tourism Sector

As announced in Cabinet Decision of 02-July-2021, the Development Bank of Mauritius (DBM) is implementing a new Amnesty Scheme. The scheme will be effective as from 02-July2021and would be valid up to 30-June-2022. The Scheme will be limited to Planters, Breeders and Fishers who have availed of loan facilities of up to Rs200,000 and are facing difficulties in repaying their long overdue loans which are more than ten years old.

Maximum of  MUR 100,000EligibilitySMES with a turnover of up to Rs100,000 and which have paid CSG in respect of their employees and themselves:
  • Planters, Fishermen, Women Entrepreneurs
  • Fitness Centre (Gymnasium/Sports complex)
  • Food court/Bar and Restaurant
  • Cinema
  • Casinos and Night Club
  • Salle de Reception and Multipurpose Hall
  • Market Fair
  • Beach Hawker and
  • Any other sector of activity as may be recommended by EDB.
  • BRN Issued as of 31 December 2021

En vue d’apporter un soutien supplémentaire aux Petites et Moyennes Entreprises (PME) ainsi qu’aux travailleurs indépendants (self-employed), le Ministère des Finances, de la Planification Économique et du Développement annonce la mise en place de 5 mesures d’assistance exceptionnelles.


To provide finance to Micro Enterprises with turnover of less than Rs 2 Million


  • A maximum loan amount of Rs 500,000
  • Interest rate of 3% p.a.
  • Moratorium period up to 6 months and Repayment period up to 5 years


  • To encourage gardening in backyards and roof top productions, whilst empowering housewives
  • To meet plantation costs, tools, and accessories.

Eligibility Criteria : Housewife

  • Maximum loan amount of Rs 25,000
  • Financing up to 100% of project cost
  • Interest rate of 0.5% p.a
  • Repayment period up to 4 years
  • Security as per bank’s requirement


  • To meet cost of purchase of computers, laptops, printers and individual internet connections.

Eligibility Criteria : Household for educational purposes

  • Maximum loan amount of Rs 50,000
  • Financing up to 100 % of project cost
  • Interest rate of 3% p.a
  • Repayment period up 4 years


  • To meet purchase cost of rainwater harvesting systems in order to encourage household to collect rainwater and reduce water run-offs from roof tops into drain.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Household


  • Maximum loan amount of Rs 50,000
  • Interest rate of 3% p.a
  • Repayment period up 5 years
  • Security as per bank’s requirement


  • To allow hawkers to buy their own stalls in the new urban terminals at Victoria and Immigration Square Stations in Port Louis


  • Up to 75% of project costs with a maximum loan amount of Rs 300,000
  • Interest rate of 3% p.a.
  • Repayment period up to 5-7 years


To support any project of registered women entrepreneurs with SME Mauritius or National Women Entrepreneur Council (NWEC) or Food and Agricultural Research and Extension Institute (FAREI) excluding trade, transport, construction & related projects.


  • Up to 90% of project cost with a maximum loan amount of Rs 500,000
  • Interest rate of 0.5% p.a.
  • Moratorium period up to a maximum of 1 year and Repayment period up to 7 years


Short term financial assistance to existing DBM clients


  • Maximum loan amount of Rs 200,000
  • Interest rate of 9% p.a.
  • Repayment period up to 3 to 5 years


To provide financial support to transport operators operating from hotels in the form of income subsistence.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Taxi operators
  • Pleasure Craft operators
  • Vans and Minibus operators based at the hotel


  • Maximum loan amount of Rs 100,000
  • Financing up to 100% of project cost
  • Interest rate of 2% p.a
  • Moratorium period up to a maximum of 1 year
  • Repayment period up to 4 years
  • Security as per bank’s requirement


To meet short-term working capital requirements and preserve jobs


  • Maximum loan amount of Rs 1 million
  • No interest chargeable up to 30 June 2021 and 1.5% p.a. thereafter
  • Repayment period up to 3 years
  • Moratorium up to 30 June 2021


To provide micro and small entities with leasing facilities in order to facilitate innovation through acquisition of modern equipment, to be more productive and efficient thereby lowering their cost of production and becoming more competitive.


  • Maximum loan amount of Rs 1 million excl. VAT
  • Interest rate of 1.75% p.a. up to 31 Dec 2020 and 3.5% p.a. thereafter.
  • Repayment period up to 5 years


To meet cost for Construction of greenhouse, Plantation, Purchase of irrigation/fertigation system and other allied inputs, Fencing, Breeders & poultry farming, Aquaponic, etc.


  • Up to 90% of project cost with a maximum loan amount of Rs 5 Million
  • Interest rate of 2% p.a.
  • Moratorium period up to a maximum of 1 year and Repayment period up to 7 years


To meet purchase cost of machinery & equipment


  • Up to 90% of project cost with a maximum loan amount of Rs 1 Million
  • Interest rate of 2% p.a.
  • Moratorium period up to a maximum of 6 months and Repayment period up to 7 years


To meet purchase cost of machinery, equipment for transformation, processing, packaging, construction of warehousing facilities, and transfer of technology


  • Up to 90% of project cost with a maximum loan amount of Rs 5 Million (can be increased to Rs 10 million subject to Board Approval)
  • Interest rate of 2% p.a.
  • Moratorium period up to a maximum of 1 year and Repayment period up to 7 years


To meet plantation costs, construction of storage facilities, purchase of machinery and equipment


  • Up to 90% of project cost with a maximum loan amount of Rs 1 Million
  • Interest rate of 2% p.a.
  • Moratorium period up to a maximum of 1 year and Repayment period up to 7 years


To meet cost of purchase of IT equipment such as laptops, printers, overhead projectors and other network accessories

Eligibility Criteria

  • Colleges registered with PSEA


  • Maximum loan of MUR 1.5 million
  • Interest Rate of 5% per annum
  • Rapayment Period up to 7 years
  • Financing 100% of Project Cost


Crowdlending is a new and alternative method for SMEs and startups to raise finance without the inclusion of a financial institution. With the entrance of this alternative financing method, a new breed of small investors will eventually enter the capital market.

Fundkiss engaged in crowdlending opens up a new world of opportunities for investors and SMEs – in Mauritius. Be part of a financial revolution that is as rewarding for lenders as it is for borrowers.


Entrepreneurs usually face the challenge of developing a business idea in a way that it becomes economically viable. There is, hence, the need to develop the right value proposition while defining a relevant strategy to have a baseline to achieve set objectives. There exists a panoply of facilities to support burgeoning entrepreneurs to implement their business ideas in the most effective and profitable possible way.

Follow the links below to help you in setting up your business.

Getting Listed

The Stock Exchange of Mauritius (SEM) has come a long way and its transformational journey has positioned it as one of the leading Exchanges in Africa.

  • State of the art operating system
  • daily trading for five and a half hours
  • a T+3 settlement cycle
  • a total market capitalisation above the USD 1.2 billion mark
  • a multi-currency listing, trading and capital-raising platform
  • a wide variety of multi-asset class products.

Anybody can hold, purchase and sell shares, deal with shares or other securities of a company which are desirous of being admitted for quotation on the Official List of the Stock Exchange through a public issue, offer for sale of shares and for private placement of shares.

Insolvency Proceedings

Whether you are planning a reorganization of your distressed business or simply exploring a new business opportunity, the Insolvency Act 2009 provides for an enabling framework offering a range of options to better support your company such as Restructuring and Work outs, Administration, Receivership and Liquidation. The Mauritian Insolvency regime is aligned with international standards and best practices and extends comprehensive protection to all stakeholders while ensuring judicial supervision throughout the insolvency process.

Key features of the Mauritian Insolvency regime:

  • Restructuring
  • Company rescue & Rehabilitation
  • Liquidation
  • Protection mechanisms to all stakeholders
  • Judicial supervision


Entrepreneurs usually face the challenge of developing a business idea in a way that it becomes economically viable. There is, hence, the need to develop the right value proposition while defining a relevant strategy to have a baseline to achieve set objectives. There exists a panoply of facilities to support burgeoning entrepreneurs to implement their business ideas in the most effective and profitable possible way.

Follow the links below to help you in setting up your business.
